
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Home Office

I stopped working last week, but I'm possibly busier now that I don't have official work than before. I have now moved into my "home office" and am cracking on my large to do list.

I have my laptop open, printer connected, and ipad next to me for quick facebooking. I have a bag of open chips, a cup of coffee, water, and a finished bag of Pods. ( Pods are wonderful).

I'm really working! Not just pretending to do so since I'm unemployed! Facebooking is real work.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

20 things to do before your move

It's 2 months before the big intercontinental move and I really need some way of organizing the many things I should get done before I leave. Anyone else in such a position probably is feeling the buzz like I am. My mind is constantly worrying about what to do with this or that.

2 months before your move

1. Speak to and select your moving company
2. Update your passport if it has less than a year in validity. You don't want to be settling this soon after you arrive in a foreign country. It is probably easy to do but may require you traveling to a particular city, or neighbouring country to collect your passport. 
3. Decide on which big items you are bringing, and arrange to sell or give away the things you are leaving behind.
4. Organise your important receipts and warranties, as this may be helpful for filling out that insurance form for the move.
5. Fill in that dastardly insurance form.
6. If you haven't already done so - Resign/ give notice to your employer/ landlord
7. Give notice to your helper if you do employ one
8. Start making use and finishing up any packages you may have already bought and paid for - pedicures/ facials/ gym training...etc
9. Meet all your friends!

1 month before your move

10. Cancel unnecessary bank cards/ credit cards
11. Speak to your insurance agent
12. Ensure you have necessary medical coverage for travel/ the move
13. plan on forwarding your mail to another address Redirecting your mail through Singapore Post
( forward it to friends or family until you are settled in your new address)
14. Go paperless -  speak to banks/ other necessary services if they can send you paperless statements

2 weeks before your move

15. Organise the things for your move -  throw or donate what you don't need.
16. Decide on what you need to bring along on your flight
17. plan for the cancellation of gas/power/cable/internet/mobile

week of the move

18. Consider staying in a friend's place or a hotel during the moving days. Ensure you child has other activities and others to watch him during this stressful time.

On arriving

20. Once settled register your new address with Singapore - Registering your overseas address

Sunday, February 2, 2014

New boss - he is young and good looking.

 Today, I hung up my stethoscope ( more accurately my son grabbed it out of my bag to play) and my run as family physician at my current work place has come to an end. I returned my work pass to the clinic and it feels real now.

 The constant working, studying and pushing has come to a slow down. For the first time since primary school I'm faced with no datelines of someone else's making. Or am I? I have a new boss now. The boss I left this job for. A real slave driver he is. Makes me work 24 hours and has sometimes unreasonable requests at 4 am. He is a real heart-throb though and I can't help looking at pictures of him when I'm away from my office. It's really tiring working for him, but since I appear to have fallen in love with him, I think I will stay on in this job for as long as he needs me. 

I'm sure you know who my boss is. Many of you have already met him. He isn't very tall, has good looks, and gorgeous curly hair. He is a real flirt to boot. I miss him already and am running back to work for him now as it is soon his nap time and he needs some serious cuddling. 